Abdominal Pain/Digestive problems
Abdominal pain can have various causes, ranging from mild and/or temporary issues to severe medical conditions. Common causes of abdominal pain include reflux or GERD, constipation, ulcers, and urinary tract infections. Each of these problems may be isolated or could be a sign or symptoms of a more serious disease. Another common cause of poor digestion and abdominal discomfort is a low level of good gut bacteria. Infections, like gastroenteritis, H. Pylori, or kidney infections, can also lead to abdominal pain. In more serious cases, abdominal pain may be due to conditions like appendicitis, gall bladder stones or inflammation, kidney stones, or inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis). Celiac disease, severe food allergies, and eosinophilic esophagitis are examples of conditions causing abdominal pain/digestive problems that often go on for years before being diagnosed. Depending on the suspected cause, a person with abdominal pain may require imaging, blood tests, urine or stools tests, or a more urgent medical evaluation to make a diagnosis. Treatment is usually focused on the cause of the abdominal pain and may include lifestyle changes, deity changes, medications or supplements. Testing for most of the issues named above are done in the office at Paloma Primary Care. , severe food allergies, and eosinophilic esophagitis are examples of conditions causing abdominal pain/digestive problems that often go on for years before being diagnosed. Depending on the suspected cause, a person with abdominal pain may require imaging, blood tests, urine or stools tests, or a more urgent medical evaluation to make a diagnosis. Treatment is usually focused on the cause of the abdominal pain and may include lifestyle changes, deity changes, medications or supplements. Testing and treatment for most of the issues named above are done in the office at Paloma Primary Care.