Joint, Back, and Neck Pain

Joint, back, and neck pain are common complaints that can affect people of all ages and result from a variety of causes. Common causes include injury (like a sprained ankle or fracture) and overuse. Symptoms that last more than a couple weeks, are severe, or symptoms that keep coming back, can be caused by old injuries, osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, and Infection. Proper diagnosis usually requires a full physical exam, but may also require imaging or lab tests. Treatment may include anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxant medications, medications for specific causes (like gout or autoimmune diseases), lifestyle modifications and depending on the cause and severity, referral to physical therapy or a pain specialist.

A note on pain medication:

While we do prescribe many medications for pain, we DO NOT prescribe any Schedule II narcotics including but not limited to: oxycodone (OxyContin or Percocet), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and Morphine. If a patient is in need of these medications, we are happy to refer you to a pain specialist.